Since starting my blog in the early midst that is July 2014 I never thought that it would be easy getting my blog noticed by all you lovely people. So when I got nominated recently for The Liebster Award by Lucy Loves to Eat I was thrilled.
The Liebster Award is given to up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers, it works like an online chain, given by bloggers and passed on by bloggers. It's a great way to get recognised and as blogging is all about building up an online community it's an awesome way to connect and help pass on the word!
An interesting fact: 'liebster' is german for sweetest, kindest and welcoming. So very fitting for the purpose of this blog award.
Listen up...the rules are as follows:
1. Link the person who has nominated you
2. Answer all the questions given by the nominator
3. Nominate 11 other blogs that you think deserve it
4. Create 11 questions for the nominees to answer
5. Then notify all nominees through social media/their blogs
(I don't know why everything is 11?! An odd number to pick but that's the rules so can't argue with that.)
Here's my answers to the questions Lucy asked me:
1. What is your favourite macaroon flavour?
To be brutally honest- I don't like macaroons. I know. It's sad. I really do want to like them but I just don't because no matter how much other flavourings you put into them, I can always taste almonds and hate almonds.
2. What is your favourite perfume?
The best perfume that I always like to use is Ghost- Deep night.
3. If you could have one final meal/foods of your choice what would it be?
I think I would have to go with cake! Cake is my favourite thing and I don't care that it's not a proper is in my eyes. My favourite flavour has got to be coffee and walnut but I don't think I'd be able to have it without a good cup of tea.
4. What are your top 3 travel destinations that you have been to and why?
Barcelona - The city is amazing, so much to do and see, the Gaudi is breathtaking and I wouldn't mind going for a walk around Park Güell again!
Orlando Theme Parks- Hey, I know it's a bit childish to say this but I'm only 16 and I haven't had the time to visit many countries yet. I went once when I was little and have many great memories from there. I love the dolphin shows at Seaworld.
The city of Rhodes- So scenic with the huge castle, it's like an old town and you feel as if your walking on a film set. Gorgeous food too.
5. Do you like to chill out on holiday or cram in as much as possible?
Is it alright if I can choose both?! I like to go on holiday and have a couple of days just relaxing on the beach but then I also like to get the most out of a place and explore! Shopping has always got to be one activity, of course.
6. What are your favourite topics when following a blog you love?
Food mostly, but then if I spot an art blog I like, that gets me inspired with my art A level.
7. What is your favourite colour and why?
My favourite colour is lilac, my first pair of converses was in this colour. It reminds of lavender for some reason and that gets me thinking about spring/summer time!
8. What are your dreams and ambitions?
The main ambition I have is to become a food stylist and food writer. My dream would be to work for the likes of a famous tv chef on the set of their tv cookery programmes. I would also love to go to Paris and experience the best patisserie.
9. Which is your favourite dress that you own?
My favourite dress changes frequently, normally it tends to be the newest in my collection. At the moment I like wearing my classic black shift dress with white collar from Zara.
10. Name a blog that inspires you?
Top With Cinnamon inspires me. She started like me - in her teens, and has progressed onto releasing her first cookbook which would be a dream for me too.
11. What are your top 3 favourite high street/online shops?
Wonderful answers!!! Thanks you for taking the time and I enjoyed reading through all your answers! =) Agree, Barcelona is amazing because of Gaudi.
ReplyDeleteSorry I've only just replied, so behind on blog reading! xx
Great, thanks Lucy! Xx