Wednesday 10 June 2020

Peach, Custard & White Chocolate Cake

Whoever invented the traybake cake or sheet cake as Americans like to call them is a GENIUS, they just somehow feel more effortless to whip up than your regular round layer cakes. This cake was an absolute hit in my house, my mum warmed hers up with even more lashings of custard as if there wasn't enough in the cake already - to be fair you can never have enough and with comments like 'they remind a bit of a school pudding, in a good way!' she can confirm this cake does work just as well hot or cold. 

In a more school dinner-kinda fashion, you could use tinned peaches if you don't have access to fresh and ripe ones, but be sure to drain them well beforehand and don't be afraid to use good old fashioned tinned custard here either, this is definitely the time and place for it but be my guest if you want to be bougie with fresh and homemade!

Peach, Custard & White Chocolate Cake
Cuts into 12

250g (1 cup) butter, softened plus extra for greasing
250g (1 cup) ready made custard
250g (1 cup + 1 tsbp) caster sugar
4 large eggs
1 tsp vanilla extract
300g (2 cups) self raising flour
50g (½ cup) ground almonds
½ tsp baking powder
70g (1⁄3 cup + 1 tbsp) white chocolate, chopped or as chips
3 whole peaches, stone removed and sliced, or 1 tin of drained peaches
1 big handful flaked almonds
Icing sugar for dusting


Heat the oven to 180°C/fan 160°C/350°F/gas 4 and butter and line a 20 x 30cm tin with baking parchment.

Reserve 100g (around ¼ cup) of the custard. Put the rest in a big bowl with the butter and sugar, and beat with an electric whisk until pale and fluffy. Beat in the eggs one by one, followed by the vanilla, then fold through the flour, ground almonds, baking powder and chopped white chocolate. 

Spoon the batter into the tin. Scatter over the sliced peaches, dot over dollops of the reserved custard and scatter with the flaked almonds. Bake for 30-35 minutes or until a skewer poked into the middle of the sponge comes out clean, however the custard blobs on top will be wet to touch but will set with cooling.

Cool, then cut into 12 chunks, dusting with a little icing sugar to serve.


    Thanks for Nice blog

  2. Lovely recipe, I baked mine in a 9” square tin and it was great. I did change it up slightly, added 50g more ground almonds and 50g less SR flour as Imwanted a bit more texture, and a teaspoon of almond extract. It was lovely will definitely make again. (PS I was boogie and made my own custard because I had some cream I needed to use up!)

  3. What is ready made custard?

    1. In the UK you can buy custard in the fresh dairy aisle of most supermarkets, next to milk and cream etc

  4. Such a lovely cake and so easy to make! I find the peaches disappear with flavour a bit especially if there are rather mellow. I was thinking rhubarb might go nice with it. I might try it next time.

  5. Frances @thespoonandwhisk23 July 2024 at 20:15

    Thanks I’m so glad you enjoyed it! Yeah I think rhubarb would be a great option!
